1. A duly filled in Application Form available from the school/ website is to be submitted with the non-refundable, non-transferable Application Fee if applicable.
2. After registering the Application Form the student will be called for counseling. Seat will be alloted based on performance of the student and availability of seats in the concerned class.
3. If a student requests for a scholarship School may assess the student regarding his academic performance or financial background, and the assessment report is given to the parents.
4. The date for the submission of fee will be specified at the time of the registration.
5. The School reserves the right to admit any student who is found fit for admission or refuse admission without assigning any reason. For all matters related to admissions, the decision of the Principal/ Management will be final.
1. If a student seeks Scholarship, a separate Scholarship Application has to be applied for availing Scholarship for meritorious students, economically weak students.
2. A scholarship test may be conducted to identify the meritorious student.
3. The scholarship provided is not transferable and is valid till the course completion.
4. If the student drops out or is found to be indiscipline, the scholarship not only stands canceled, but also the previous scholarship given will be forfeited.
1. The names of the children who are selected as per the admission procedure will be displayed on the notice board and informed to the parent through SMS.
2. Students offered admission must pay the admission fee and reserve the seat before joining, or the offer will stand canceled and the seat will be passed on to the next student in the 'Waiting List'.
3. All the required documents and photographs need to be submitted at the time of admission.
1. Payment of fee should be done as per the schedule laid down by the school at the time of admission.
2. Incidental expenses for students boarders, such as books, stationery, activities, pocket money, personal expenses for outing money will be informed well in advance.
3. Admission will be valid only if the fee is paid in full by the due date along with the necessary documents and certificates as mentioned above and on completion of all formalities.
For more information our Admission Team is ready to work with you on processing your child's application to SASI Schools and get you started on their path to success.
If questions should arise pertaining to any of the admission policies or procedures, please do not hesitate to call the admissions office.
Admission to SASI implies on the part of the student and parents willingness to comply with the requirements, rules and regulations of the school.
For admissions in different Sasi branches Contact numbers are here.
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